Prayer to St.Gregory Thaumaturgus
Posted on December 31, 2017 by admin No comments
O God, Who hast established the earth upon firm foundations, and given the rivers their course, graciously receive the prayers of Thy people: and, having utterly removed the dangers of the shaken earth, and dangerous waters, turn the terrors of Thy Divine wrath into the means of the salvation of mankind; that they who are of the earth, and unto earth shall return, may rejoice to find themselves citizens of Heaven by means of a holy life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Regard, O Lord, our humility and forsake us not in this time of tribulation.
I deserve to suffer these things, O Lord, for I have sinned.
Despise not, Almighty God, Thy people who cry out to Thee in their affliction, but for the glory of Thy Name, being appeased assist those who are in tribulation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.