Archive for December 31, 2017


The website you have put up is a great resource and God will definitely bless all of you. It was really helpful to me. – Vivek —————————————————————————– My husband and myself would like to thank Lord Jesus for blessing my womb after three and half years of marriage. We also thank the for their […]

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  December 31, 2017   No comments


Fusce cursus consequat nisi vitae commodo. Pellentesque aliquet pretium risus, et cursus urna molestie vel. Nullam at ultricies lacus, in eleifend tellus.

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  December 31, 2017   No comments
What is Charismatic Renewal?

What is Charismatic Renewal?

A BRIEF HISTORY There are many questions and many misunderstandings about Catholic charismatic renewal but essentially, it is a renewal of the Church in our times using all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, just as the Church was intended from the beginning, to proclaim the Gospel News of Jesus Christ, risen and Lord of […]

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  December 31, 2017   No comments