St. Concordius of Spoleto

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Died: beheaded c.175 in a prison cell in Spoleto, Italy, some relics in Bispal, Spain

Also known as Concord, Concorde, Memorial

Additional Memorials 2 January (Bispal, Spain), 4 July (translation of relics)

Sub-deacon in Rome, Italy. Spent most of his time alone in prayer and meditation. Imprisoned for his faith during the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius. Tried at Spoleto, Italy by Torquatus, the governor of Umbria, Italy, he was offered his freedom if he would renounce his faith and worship a statue of Jupiter; Concordius declined. The judge had him beaten and tortured on the rack; when he could speak, Concordius praised Jesus. After two more days in prison, Concordius was offered an idol to worship; he spat on it. Martyr.

Categories: C, Saints