Prayers to St. André Bessette
Posted on January 12, 2019 by admin No comments
Prayer to St. André Bessette
Saint Brother Andre, we celebrate your presence among us. Your loving friendship with Jesus, Mary and Joseph makes you a powerful intercessor with the Holy Father. Compassion carries your words straight to God’s heart, and your prayers are answered and bring comfort and healing. Through you, from our lips to God’s ear, and supplications are heard…..We ask to be made part of God’s work, alongside you, in the spirit of prayer, compassion and humility. Saint Brother Andre, pray for us. Amen.
Prayer to St. André Bessette
Lord our God, friend of the lowly, you gave your servant, St. André
Bessette, a great devotion to St. Joseph and a special commitment to the
poor and afflicted. Through his intercession help us to follow his
example of prayer and love and so come to share with him in your glory.
(mention your intention) We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
St. André Bessette, pray for us.
A Prayer for Healing to St. André Bessette
“People who suffer have something to offer to God. When they succeed in enduring their suffering, that is a daily miracle.”Bro. André, I come to you in prayer for healing.(state your need)You were no stranger to illness.
Plagued by stomach problems,you knew suffering on a daily basis,but you never lost faith in God.Thousands of people have sought your healing touch as I do today.Pray that I might be restored to health in body, soul, and mind.With St. Joseph as my loving Protector,strengthen my faith and give me peace that I might accept God’s will for me no matter the outcome. Amen.
Prayer to St. André Bessette
Saint Brother Andre, your devotion to Saint Joseph is an inspiration to us. You gave your life selflessly to bring the message of his life to others. Pray that we may learn from Saint Joseph, and from you, what it is like to care for Jesus and do his work in the world. Amen.
Prayer to St. André Bessette
Lord, you chose Brother Andréto spread devotion to Saint Joseph,and
to dedicate his life to the poor and afflicted.Grant through his
intercession the favour(s) that I now request…
[State your intentions…] Grant me the grace to imitate his piety and
charity,so that, with him,I may share the rewards promised to all who
care for their neighbours out of love for you. I make this prayer in the
name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
Pray: 3x Our Father… 3x Hail Mary… 3x Glory Be…
St Bro André Bessette, Pray For Us (x3)
Prayer to St. André Bessette my brother
You knew how to pray…in the midst of your tasks, in the quiet of the night,deep in your solitude, or surrounded by friends.Teach me the words that nourish my soul.
You knew how to welcome…the rich and the powerful,the poor and the miserable,the scholar and the illiterate,especially the simple, often the wounded.Teach me to love them all without exception.
You knew how to suffer…to hope in the future,without complaint, without fear,to stand firm, to face life.Teach me the meaning of suffering in silence.
You knew how to live…or the God whom you served,for his Son and for his Son’s father and Mother,to save what is lost,to free what is shackled.Teach me to hope in God and his universe. Amen.
Prayer to St. André Bessette
Brother André, how well you understood how love for God is expressed in love for others.
Help us to accept those who are afflicted in the same way that you did. Teach us to sympathize with their suffering and their pain. Teach us to listen to them with patience and to speak a consoling word.
Let us show them how to trust in Saint Joseph, in Mary the mother of Jesus,and in God our Father. Your love of God was manifest in your plan to build a place of prayer on the mountain.
With Saint Joseph,you yourself receive all those who come to the Oratory.
Plant within them faith in God who loves them so much and who wishes wholeness for every human being.
Make them grateful for all the graces they have received and confident in the future that is theirs. Help them to make prayer a part of their life and to become people that others can rely on. Brother André, you are now with the saints in glory; you are powerful with God.
Continue the ministry you conducted when you were on earth. Obtain healing for those who are suffering in mind and body. Give serenity to those advanced in years, and gainful work for those who seek it.
Inspire the young to live good Christian lives, in marriage, in consecrated life, as ordained pastors. Teach all of us how to live as Jesus did. Amen.
Prayer to St. André Bessette for acceptance
Saint Brother André, you grant us the favour of realizing your dream and of making present in our day the heritage you left to the world. Help us to continue in the spirit of unconditional acceptance which you showed each person you met.
May our presence here, our attitudes and our words always reflect the love and compassion which marked your whole life long. Amen.
Saint Brother André, pray for us.