Perpetual Novena of Hope in Honour of St. Charles of Mt. Argus
Posted on January 12, 2019 by admin No comments
(Please recite this novena for 9 days)
O God our Father, we thank you for your care of each one of us. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to share in our weak human nature. He suffered as we do, and He is gone before us to prepare a place for us in Heaven where we hope to be with you forever. He promised to be with us everyday, and to give us all we ask for in His name,
Father, in the name of Jesus we ask you: To give hope to those who have lost hope in God, and who simply don’t know what to believe. Let them Hope again
To give hope to the sick and all who cannot live their lives as they would like to. May they Receive Hope and Healing.
To give hope to parents and teachers who are entrusted with the care of the young. May they never lose heart even when their best efforts meet with failure.
To give hope to sinners.Bring them through repentance to a new way of looking at things.
To give hope to the bereaved who are face to face with death.Let them entrust their loved ones to your care.
(Your special intention for the Novena)
Full us all with a joyful hope Mary, Mother of Hope pray for us
Saint Charles of Mt. Argus, pray for us. Amen.