St. Dionysia

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In the year 484, the Arian King, Huneric, banished the Catholic bishops from their African Sees, and began a violent persecution of orthodox Christians, many of whom were put to death. Dionysia, a woman remarkable for beauty, zeal and piety, was scourged in the forum till her body was covered with blood. Seeing Majoricus, her young son, tremble at the site, she said to him, “My son, do not forget that we have been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.

We must not lose the garment of our salvation, lest the Master of the feast find us without wedding clothes and cast us into outer darkness.” The boy, strengthened by her words, suffered a most cruel martyrdom with constancy. Dionysia and Majoricus died at the stake. St. Dionysia feast day is December 6th.

Categories: D, Saints