Novena to St. Willibrord

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(Please recite this novena for 9 days)

1st Day

God our Father, you have given to St Willibrord a strong and living faith, which preserved him from faint-heartedness in every difficulty.

Give us the grace of the same deep faith, which will support us in all the situations of our life. So make us worthy to have our petitions heard, at the intercession of our patron, St Willibrord.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

2nd Day

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, in baptism you have called St Willibrord to be our apostle. Even in his earliest years he dedicated himself to you as an oblate. 
Look down on us and upon our petitions.

At the intercession of St Willibrord, give us the strength to endure as your followers.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

3rd Day

God, the Holy Ghost, you have filled Saint Willibrord with your gifts, the gift of wisdom and of understanding, of good counsel and of fortitude, and the knowledge and the fear of God.

Thus should he lead men into the Kingdom of God. 
At the intercession of St Willibrord, give us also these gifts, and fulfil our requests in accordance with God’s will.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

4th Day

Saint Willibrord! You dedicated yourself to God, even in your youth. Following the example of holy Benedict, you wanted to belong entirely to God, but in this devotion to be always available to men.

Intercede for us in our special requests, and pray especially that we entrust ourselves to our Father, and accept from His hand whatever he may send us, for His glory and the salvation of mankind.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

5th Day

Saint Willibrord! Your love of Jesus led you to follow the example of many of your countrymen. You wanted to proclaim Good News, so that men, through belief in Jesus, might become as happy as you were.

Help us to grow in the true love of God, so that our life may become a witness for Him. Pray that God’s fatherly goodness may give favorable hearing to our requests.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

6th Day

Saint Willibrord! Your life as a missionary has also led you to us. By proclaiming the Good News, you founded here the belief in the triune God.

Pray that we may have a living faith, which places our complete trust in God and gives witness for him in our lives. In this confidence we place ourselves and our petitions in the hands of the Father.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

7th Day

Saint Willibrord! In following Christ, you were not spared the cross. When your missionary work collapsed, you did not faint-heartedly surrender, but you endured the way of the cross in your life.

Pray that our petitions may be heard, but preserve us from giving way to the sufferings of these times, and help us through cross and suffering to grow as followers of Christ.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

8th Day

Saint Willibrord! You gained strength for your task trough prayer and the holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 
We would take refuge in the Lord, so that through your intercession we may find strength and help in him.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

9th Day

Most Holy Trinity! You have called us to the communion of saints. In your Church we have a share in the merits of all the saints, whom you have given us asprotectors and examples.

At the intercession of blessed Willibrord you have helped many men in the necessities of their lives. Hear us und grant us the grace we seek, for our salvation and the glory of your Name.

Our Father, Hail Mary… who increased faith in us. Holy Mary…Glory be…

Saint Willibrord, advocate of us all, pray for us!

Click here to download Novena to St. Willibrord in .pdf format


Categories: Novenas