Prayer to Bl. Teresa Manganiello

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O Father, source of every gift,that to your servant TERESA MANGANIELLO you have given new things of grace, costing you, by the action of the Holy Spirit, inspiring and model of the Immaculatine Franciscan Sisters, let our love for Jesus grow every day, be strengthened and become yeast and ferment for a new ecclesial spring, where the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of man meet ceasing violence, hatred, disputes and rivalry.

Enlarge our horizons, make the seed of Your Word find welcome in the hearts of many young people who, like you, attracted by a more radical Christian ideal of life, consecrate their life in the service of the brothers.

Inspire us for holy purposes, worthy of the received Baptism, glorify your humble servant, Teresa Manganiello, and obtain for her intercession the grace … that we ask You trusting only in Your great mercy and infinite goodness. Both for the love of God. Amen!

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Categories: Prayers