Novena to St.Jude

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Most Holy apostle St. Jude relative of Jesus Christ, thou glorious martyr, renowned for thy virtue and miracles, faithful and prompt intercessor for all who honour and trust in thee! Thou art a powerful patron and helper in great afflictions.

I come to thee and entreat thee from the depths of my heart; come to my aid with thy powerful intercession, thou who hast received from God the privilege of assisting with thy manifest help those who almost despair of all hope. Look down upon me; my life is a life of crosses, my days are days of tribulation, and my heart is an ocean of bitterness. All my paths are strewn with thorns, and scarcely one moment passes that does not witness my tears and sights; uneasiness, discouragement, mistrust and almost despair prey upon my soul.

Divine Providence seems lost to my sight, and Faith seems to falter in my heart. Weighed down by these thoughts, I see myself surrounded by a dark cloud. Thou cannot forsake me in this sad plight. I will not depart from thee until thou has heard me. Hasten to my aid. I will give thee thanks all my life, I will honour thee as my special patron. I will thank God for the graces. He has bestowed upon thee, and will promote thy honour with all my power. Amen.

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