Bl. Pietro Bonilli

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Born: 15 March 1841 in San Lorendo di Trevi, Perugia, Italy

Died: 5 January 1935 in Spoleto, Perugia, Italy of natural causes, relics enshrined in the church of Michael the Archangel in Cannaiola di Trevi, Italy where he had served as parish priest for many years

Beatified: 24 April 1988 by Pope John Paul II

Also known as Peter Bonilli

Priest in the diocese of Spoleto, Italy, ordained in 1863. Parish priest in Cannaiola, Trevi, Italy for 34 years. Founded the Suore della Sacra Famiglia (Sisters of the Holy Family) on 13 May 1888 for the care and education of orphans, the deaf, the blind, the homeless and especially needy girls. Canon of the cathedral of Spoleto, Italy in 1898.

Categories: P, Saints