Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich

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Born: 8 September 1774 at Flamsche, diocese of Münster, Westphalia, Germany

Died: 9 February 1824 at Dülmen, Germany, due to rumours that her body had been stolen, her grave was opened six weeks after her death, the body was found incorrupt, relics translated to Holy Cross Church, Dülmen, Germany on 15 February 1975

Beatified: 3 October 2004 by Pope John Paul II, decree of beatification miracle promulgated on 7 July 2003

Also known as Anne Catherine Emmerick Profile Born to poor but pious peasants. She was a very pious child who suffered with poor health, but who received visions and prophesies; they were so common that she thought all children could see the Child Jesus and the souls in Purgatory. She was able to diagnose illness and recommend cures, and to see a person’s sins. She worked on her family’s and other area farms, as a seamstress, and as a servant to a poor organist where she studied the instrument. Entered the Augustinian convent at Agnetenberg, Dulmen, Germany in 1802. Though her health was poor, her enthusiasm for the religious life was great, and she either energized her sisters, or put them off badly. Given to going into religious ecstasies in church, her cell, or while working.

The convent was closed by government order in 1812, and Anne moved in with a poor widow. Her health failed, and instead of working as a servant, in 1813 she became a patient. Her visions and prophesies increased, and later that year she received the stigmata with wounds on her hands and feet, her head from the crown of thorns, and crosses on her chest, and the gift of inedia, living off nothing but Holy Communion for the rest of her life. She tried to hide the wounds, but word leaked out, and her vicar-general instituted a lengthy and detailed investigation; it was determined to be genuine. In 1818 she was relieved of the stigmata. In 1819 the government opened their own investigation. She was imprisoned, threatened, cajoled, and kept under 24-hour-a-day surveillance.

Prayer in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick

O, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, devout and pious follower of Christ, who patiently endured the frailty of this mortal condition, who humbly received the honorable marks of Christ Jesus on your hands, feet, side, head, and chest, the marks which you were blessed by the Lord to witness for yourself in His own sufferings; we graciously ask for your intercession with God, that we sinners may be forgiven of our sins and be drawn more completely into spiritual communion with Christ Our Lord and Saviour. We ask this in the Name of the Most Holy Lamb of God and through the intercession of Holy Mary, Our Mother. Amen.

Intercessory prayer in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick

Oh great holy follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, who was endowed with extraordinary gifts from God including seeing  the Past, Present and Future History of the Catholic Church, reading the troubled hearts of souls, prophesying future events of the Catholic Church and  enduring great suffering including the Holy Stigmata, so that many souls could be drawn toward the Holy Presence of God and enter into Heaven for all eternity, we sinners beseech you to listen to our prayer requests today (make your prayer request).  We know that Almighty God hears your voice.

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, intercede with God today for this prayer petition in the Name of Our Precious Lord Jesus Christ and through the intercession of His Blessed Mother Mary.  Amen!

Prayer in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick

Beloved Savior, crucified Love! In the goodness of Thy Most Sacred Heart we pray Thee, honor on earth Thy wound-adored bride. Thou Thyself hast said, “Whosoever exalted himself shall be humbled and whosoever humbles himself shall be exalted.” In Thy Most Holy Name we pray Thee, raise her up soon from her oblivion! God, Holy Ghost, dispense of all graces, who through Thy servant during her life on earth did bestow upon suffering mankind so many helps for both body and soul, let her who is now in the blessed joy of heaven become a helper in need for all mankind forever, that we may call upon her with confidence in our sufferings and spiritual needs! Amen.

Categories: A, Saints