
Prayers to St. Camillus de Lellis

Prayers to St. Camillus de Lellis

Prayer of the sick to St. Camillus de Lellis Glorious St Camillus, turn your merciful eyes upon those who suffer and those who care for them. Grant to the sick Christian resignation and trust in the goodness and power of God. Make those who take care of the sick be generous and lovingly dedicated. Help […]

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  July 14, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. Maria Goretti

Prayers to St. Maria Goretti

Prayer to St. Maria Goretti for the healing of those who’ve suffered sexual abuse Dear God, we ask you to help all those who suffer from abuse. Help them find healing and peace in their lives. May Maria Goretti, who was strengthened by Your Grace, join with us in prayer for the healing of all […]

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  July 6, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Prayers to St. Aloysius Gonzaga

Prayer to St. Aloysius Gonzaga O most glorious Saint Aloysius, who hast been honored by the Church with the fair title of “angelic youth,” because of the life of utmost purity thou didst lead here on earth, I come before thy presence this day with all the devotion of my mind and heart. O perfect […]

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  June 23, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. John Fisher

Prayers to St. John Fisher

Prayer of St. John Fisher for Holy Bishops Lord, according to Thy promise that the Gospel should be preached throughout the whole world, raise up men fit for such work. The Apostles were but soft and yielding clay till they were baked hard by the fire of the Holy Ghost. So, good Lord, do now […]

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  June 23, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. Thomas More

Prayers to St. Thomas More

Prayer to St. Thomas More Holy martyr for the Church, you used your talentsto bring God’s love and mercy to earth. Yet yourealized that human fame and glory weremomentary and fleeting. In your practice of law, you understood and wereloyal first to God’s eternal law spoken through thesuccessors of the Apostles. While a servant ofthe […]

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  June 23, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. Joseph Cafasso

Prayers to St. Joseph Cafasso

Prayer to St. Joseph Cafasso St. Joseph Cafasso, you were born with a spinal abnormality that afflicted your health and made you short of stature. Despite this deformity, you fasted and lived minimally. Always devout as a child, you discerned the priesthood in adolescence and were ordained in Turin. You were a member of the […]

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  June 23, 2019   No comments
Prayers of St. Columba of Iona

Prayers of St. Columba of Iona

Prayer of St. Columba of Iona Be a bright flame before me, O God a guiding star above me. Be a smooth path below me, a kindly shepherd behind me today, tonight, and for ever. Alone with none but you, my God I journey on my way; what need I fear when you are near, […]

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  June 11, 2019   No comments
Prayers of St. Ephrem

Prayers of St. Ephrem

Prayer of St. Ephrem Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner 
God be merciful to me a sinner. 

God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me. 
You have created me; Lord, have mercy on me. 
I have sinned immeasurably; Lord, forgive me.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, […]

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  June 11, 2019   No comments
Prayer to St. Medard of Noyon

Prayer to St. Medard of Noyon

Prayer to St. Medard against bad weather Jesus My Lord, Saint Medard served as a bishop during very difficult times, and his long life of spiritual leader-ship created a tremendous impression on the people. Be-cause of his patronage against bad weather, I ask him to intercede for me during the storms of my life as […]

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  June 11, 2019   No comments
Prayers to St. Boniface

Prayers to St. Boniface

Prayer to St. Boniface Dear Winfred, a British Benedictine, you were called Boniface by the Holy Father who sent you to evangelize Germany. Aided by many monks and relying on God’s grace obtained through assiduous prayer, you made countless converts. Inbue us with great missionary zeal and help us in our spiritual renewal, O Leader […]

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  June 5, 2019   No comments