Author Archive: admin

St. Sabino of Abellinum

St. Sabino of Abellinum

Died: early 6th century of natural causes, relics enshrined in the church of Saint Ipolisto in Atripalda, Italy in the late 16th century, relics re-interred in the Specus martyrum, a monument in the cemetery of the church of Saint Ipolisto in Atripalda on 16 September 1612 Patronage: Atripalda, Italy Also known as Sabino of Atripalda, […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
St. Maro

St. Maro

Born: 350 in Syria Died: 433 of natural causes • buried between Apamea and Emesa, where a monastery grew up around his tomb Patronage: Maronite Christians, Saint Maron of Brooklyn for the Maronites, eparchy of  Saint-Maron de Montréal, Québec, diocese of Volperino, Italy Also known as Maro of Beit-Marun, Maron, Marone, Maroun Hermit who lived […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
Prayers to St. Apollonia of Alexandria

Prayers to St. Apollonia of Alexandria

Prayer to St. Apollonia of Alexandria 0 Glorious Apollonia, patron saint of dentistry and refuge to all those suffering from diseases of the teeth, I consecrate myself to thee, beseeching thee to number me among thy clients. Assist me by your intercession with God in my daily work and intercede with Him to obtain for […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
St. Apollonia of Alexandria

St. Apollonia of Alexandria

Died: burned to death c.249 at Alexandria, Egypt Patronage: against tooth disease, against toothache, dental technicians, dentists, 3 cities Also known as Apolline of Alexandria Consecrated virgin. Deaconess. During an anti-Christian uprising in Alexandria, Egypt caused by a pagan prophecy, the mob seized Apollonia as a leader among the local Christians. After her teeth were […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
Bl. Luis Magaña Servín

Bl. Luis Magaña Servín

Born: 24 August 1902 in Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico Died: shot by firing squad at 3pm on 9 February 1928 in Arandas, Jalisco, Mexico Beatified: 20 November 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI Lifelong layman in the archdiocese of Guadalajara. Active member of the Catholic Association of Mexican Youth. Member of the Archconfraternity of the Night Adoration […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
St. Raynald of Nocera

St. Raynald of Nocera

Born: c.1150 Died: 9 February 1217 in Nocera, Umbria, Italy of natural causes, body discovered incorrupt, relics enshrined in an urn in the church of Santa Maria dell’Arengo, relics enshrined in the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in 1456, relics moved to the church of San Felicissimo on 26 September 1997 following earthquake damage to […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
Prayers in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick

Prayers in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick

Prayer in Honour of Anne Catherine Emmerick O, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, devout and pious follower of Christ, who patiently endured the frailty of this mortal condition, who humbly received the honorable marks of Christ Jesus on your hands, feet, side, head, and chest, the marks which you were blessed by the Lord to witness […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich

Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich

Born: 8 September 1774 at Flamsche, diocese of Münster, Westphalia, Germany Died: 9 February 1824 at Dülmen, Germany, due to rumours that her body had been stolen, her grave was opened six weeks after her death, the body was found incorrupt, relics translated to Holy Cross Church, Dülmen, Germany on 15 February 1975 Beatified: 3 […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments
St. Miguel Febres Cordero Muñoz

St. Miguel Febres Cordero Muñoz

Born: 7 November 1854 at Cuenca, Ecuador Died: 9 February 1910 of pneumonia at Premia del Mar, Spain, and buried there, grave disturbed during the Spanish Civil War, and his body found incorrupt, re-interred in Quito, Ecuador, his tomb has become a pilgrimage site Canonized: 21 October 1984 by Pope John Paul II Also known […]

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  February 8, 2023   No comments