Archive for September, 2020

St. Maurice and the Theban Legion

St. Maurice and the Theban Legion

The Roman legion of Christians, called the Theban Legion, under the presidency of their General, Maurice, numbered more than six thousand men. They marched from the East into Gaul, which was in revolt. They were camped near the Lake of Geneva, when they received orders to join with the others in a solemn sacrifice to […]

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  September 22, 2020   No comments
Prayer to St. Ignatius of Santhia

Prayer to St. Ignatius of Santhia

St. Ignatius, you were born in Italy and were inspired to become a priest from the example of the village pastor. You went to the seminary in Vercelli, was ordained, and worked as a diocesan priest for six years. To the horror of your parishioners, you decided to quit being a parish priest and join […]

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  September 22, 2020   No comments